Saturday, July 22, 2006


is information: packaged for public consumption

is codified through a process of selection, reporting, editing, 'visualising' & eventual publication

has an essential democratic function

" one of the starting points of the public information equation, providing an essential forum for an informed citizenry in a democratic society with the routine electoral process and long-term democratic evolution of the contemporary world depending in part, on healthy, properly functioning news media"

is set within political democracy, functioning most effectively when most open to public criticism

is public knowledge: a distinct form of culture

has a specific political function: to serve the ruling political elite. A truly free, open and democratic press is impossible within the political and economic constraints of the 'propaganda model'
(Herman & Chomsky:)

must be new, but not stay new. It has inbuilt 'periodicity' - a terminator gene & planned obsolescence; a shelf-life - without which it is impossible to create more news and for news to function as a product and as part of the 'news-industry'

has been processed: it becomes '...a composite, shared, ordered and edited product.

is manufactured and composed: as much a commodity or product as anything for sale on supermarket shelves
(Hartley: Fowler: )

is an objective report of events as they happen & are witnessed / recorded by 'news-reporters'

is dependent on 'news-values': those factors that somehow judge 'news-worthiness'

is the product of a specific series of subjective filters which themselves serve a distinct political economy: the ruling capitalist class and their associated special interests
(Herman & Chomsky: )

is not biased against one social class
(Harrison: )

is self-defining: 'news' (the thing, the product or form) is news (what's new, the event or content) & this content depends almost entirely on meeting pre-defined values of 'news-worthiness'

" supposed to be about new and unexpected things...' but seems preoccupied with six types of thing: the economy, foreign affairs, domestic events, celebrity and sport
(After Hartley: )

Friday, July 21, 2006


The collecting and presenting of x or x in x and x and in x and x.

The style of x characteristic of x in x and x, consisting of direct presentation of facts or occurrences with little attempt at analysis or interpretation.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

for richard

one: log in, using your name and pass, obv.

two: click on the 'create post' / plus sign / add. you will only see 'the_liquidiser', not pwilson / n-spaces' because i can post on two blogs. you can only post on one. however this could change if you created a new blog. you can do this. click on the big button marked 'create a blog'.

three: add your words of wisdom. give them a title in the long white box marked title. add a picture by clicking on the 'add picture' icon (it looks like a little picture)(this might look a little different on your pc. some features don't seem to be working 100% on my mac at the moment). once you've finished, click on the 'publish post' button. wheels should start turning.

four: this lets you know that your post has been published successfully. it now lets you see what you've posted in the context of the blog. i'd always recommend you click on the 'in a new window' link as it means that you've got one window open that lets you add / edit posts and another that shows you what they look like in the blog. one for editing, the other for viewing. there's no real easy way of getting back to the edit / add page, other than clicking on the blogger logo in the top left hand corner.

i expect to see progress by tomorrow. good night!

Monday, July 17, 2006


all posts deleted to date